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tv   Geraldo at Large  FOX News  April 18, 2011 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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>> thank you for being with us for this special edition of "hannity". big thank you to frank and all of the voters and politicians who were brave you enough to lay it out for you. thank you for being with us. hope you have a great night. >> welcome to the show everybody. i am geraldo rivera. this is a fox news extreme weather alefrpt last night was a noit mare in north carolina and virginia. >> this is the biggest tornado we seen since the mid 80s. there are as many as 62 tornados that have touched down across the state. >> holy (bleep). >> unbelievable really.
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you didn't know what was going on outside. you could hear it tearing into the house they were saying you get out it destroyed everything we worked for. >> we are alive that's all that matters. >> everything is destroyed. everything is gone. everything. tore everything down. >> the killer weather is spawned deadly tornados flash flooding and hail the size of golf balls claiming at least 43 lives across the country cut and especially deadly swaths through north carolina where 22 were killed. in all more than 60 tornados hit the tar heels state prompting beverly purdue to declare a state of emergency. it was from there phil matthews vice-chairman of the wake down tee board of commissioners joinijoins us this evening. so sorry what had a happened to your community first of all are all of your residents accounted
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f for>> seemed like a bomb had gone off in some of the areas we were down the street where the kids had gotten killed. they got in the bathtub of the mobile home and the tree had fell loe over on top of them. that was going through the midnight. in the day i had an opportunity to one of our other county commissioners to go throughout the county and assess the damage and we have had 17 out today and it -- 17,000. all of the numbers are not in. people have been extremely lucky. i have had a chance to go out and see people. some people needed hugs. they were walking around just devastated by what has happened to them.
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we are very fortunate that the loss of fe has been limited to three. but we are pulling it together down here in the greater wake county area. >> good luck to you on that. how old were the children? >> they were in the primary auj groups. they have given me the numbers last night. unfortunately i did not jot those down in the evening. there were only fatalities in wade county. like i said we have had about 8 touchdowns obviously they could have been the same tornado throughout the area. i was in a business location when it hitter yesterday. i had an opportunity to look at it in south of rally i walked
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around meeting with people today and see what's going on. our emergency services i am very proud of them they have done an outstanding job of pulling things together. we are coming together in wake county and garner north carolina and rally north carolina and all around the area here. >> you have got great spirit down there in north carolina. good luck to you. you have got a real tough challenge ahead. thanks again and again our condolences. >> thank you so much. we are hanging tight down here. thank you for your concerns all i can say is north carolina let's get it done. >> thanks a lot. now to the battle of the budget and realization, unless substantial cuts are going forward this country is going broke. before any compromise can be hand hammered out if possible congress faces major hurted els like weather to raise the debt ceiling for the $13.3 trillion
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limit. >> i want to make it perfectly clear that congress will raise the debt ceiling. that's what treasury secretary tim geithner said. he also said if the ceiling doesn't get raised it wouldn't be good. >> it will make the last crisis looked like a modest crisis. it will be much more dramatic. the cost will go up for everybody. it will have a permanent devastating damage on our credit worthiness in the country. >> house budget committee chairman republican paul ryan is not scared he says he doesn't think it's a good idea to ignore the spending problem and keep borrowing more and more. he's not going to vote for an increase unless congress agrees to a decrease in spending. >> we won't simply raise the debt limit we will vote to have spending cuts and controls in conjunction with the debt limit increase. i don't see may 167th as a hard fast deadline. i think geithner will agree with that. >> democrat congressman says if people like ryan keep demanding debt ceiling increase they are playing a dangerous game.
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>> saying you are only going to goat for the debt ceiling if something happens on deficit reduction is like playing russian roulette with a fully loaded revolver. >> the game of 6 is trying to come up with their own plan of the crushing national debt. tom koprin says while he thinks it's possible not democrats or republicans are going to like what's in it. >> what should be in it? juan williams and steven moore. there should be an end to the busheir raw tax cuts. folks making more than a million a year? >> doo doo i don't think so. i think the tax cuts have to stay in place. i don't think the economy can grow from tax rates. >> even millionaires and billionaires? >> the other problem with that there aren't enough bill gates and warren buffets to tax to
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ballots the budget. >> i am talking about eerie news correspondents. >> geraldo if we took every penny for people like you it wouldn't be enough to balance the budget. >> we have to do the cuts. >> juan aren't the democrats aren't they locked in a fatal embrace with the area special interest groups including big labor they refuse to give up the golden eggs they are training the federal budget with a lot of these pensions, et cetera. doesn't it have to come from both sides? >> it has to come from both sides. nobody locked in an embrace. the president obama said there will be cuts associated with raising the debt ceiling. nothing will come on the revenue side. we can't tax people who make
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more than 2.50. he is so out of touch with the american people. the polls are clear. it's like 60 percent of the american people say yes, tax increases or eliminating the bush tax cut should be a part of any fi fiscal solution to our spending problems in the country. people say that's just reasonable. >> juan you know the numbers, though. look this idea that the president laid out some of the rich aren't paying the taxes they are not paying their fair shares they are paying a lower percentage than they have paid in 50 years if you look at the numbers today look at the top 10 percent they pay 70 ers p of the taxes. in fact i don't know if you saw tomorrow is tax day in america. >> i know. i know. we know. we don't like it but we know. >> 47 percent -- >> wait, wait. >> 47 percent of americans are not going to any income tax liability. it's a highly skewed system already juan on the backs of the rich. >> it is highly skewed because guess what?
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the top 1 percent have like 50 percent of the wealth of the country. why shouldn't the people who have the money who are benefitting from the political and economic stability of america all of those guys on wall street who are getting those huge bonuses even as we speak, wall street is doing great. look at the reality. why shouldn't people share in the sacrifice? why shouldn't it in the case of the ryan budget come out of the backs of the seniors and the poor with changes to medicare and medications. doesn't make sense. >> because those are the business owners. those are the people who sign the front side of the paychecks. when you need an employer -- i was saying liberals love jobs but they hate employers. those are the employers in this country. if we want more jobs we have to keep taxes low. >> i am all for more jobs. my sense is if you just keep giving money to the rich and rich you are going to stabilize this -- >> we are not giving them any money. we are keeping the taxes where they are.
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how much do you want them to pay. >> i want 39 percent. >> really. >> and it was the rate that they went down to the 36 percent. what's the big deal? >> what's interesting, listen to the president's speech, the one word that was not in his speech was cut. i would throw it back to you and say okay what do you want to cut? what does the president want to cut? ultimately if we are going to get the budget under control everybody agrees we have to start doing something about these enti entitlement programs. >> let me answer your question. >> okay. >> let me answer your question. you are going to have to have cuts in terms of medicare and medicaid but you don't want to do it in such a way that you throw block grants back to the states where there's going to be a race to the bottom. instead what you want to do if you want to slow the rate of growth you want too make deals and say here this is appropriate spending and this is inappropriate spending you want to do it in an a political way.
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you don't want to get the politicians involved because then you go to the poor states. they will punish poor people. the poor people the elderly who have to go to nursing homes on medicaid suddenly will be kicked out. >> the states want a black -- they want a block grant so they can control the costs. medicaid wants -- it's not just bankrupting the federal government it's bankrupting -- >> i would love to continue this all night long. one more. >> de he is not speaking to th human cost. if you knew this the seniors are going to punish you. >> the political ramifications would have to wait until some program on monday. thank you very much for coming out. >> cool down there. >> coming up folks, did you see, did you see this video? did you see how they faulted this little girl in front of
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everybody at new orleans' airport? i am telling you if that was my little girl, bam, right in the kisser. the 6-year-old mother joins me live in two minutes. >> get your hands off her.
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>> it is well intentioned but i think they have gotten off track. we want to feel good and safe but we are not willing to give up our rights to do it. >> i am the father of 5 including three beautiful girls. i am extremely protective of my children. if a tsa agent frisked my 5 and a half-year-old angel as aggressively and intimately and invasively as happened to 6-year-old anna drexel at new orleans airport this wou there e been a fist fight. it would outrageous. it was pointless and abusive. her mmm joins us via skype from
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bowling green, ten kentucky. thank you for being here. i know anna was upset after the body search crying and asking what she did wrong. how is she doing? >> anna is great. there were a few tears afterwards but as soon as we walked off the plane got home she got into her normal setting. we are going to let her keep going. she is a tough kid. >> lae get down to the nitty-gritty. what do you find so offensive. i don't care what you filmed. i think it was a public service and i am sure when anna grows up she will agree with you. >> the message wouldn't get out without video. >> absolutely right. what would you like to see happen? they will argue al qaeda will find 6-year-olds and plant bombs on them. >> with the people that care no more about their people than a firecracker it wouldn't stop it loading children with it as well. but i think while it may be well
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intentioned to keep people safe with a few short hours of a flight what i am concerned about with the children especially is we are conditi conditioning the be able to differentiate who it is okay to have them touch their sensitive areas. while they may be safe on a plane i am concerned about when they are on the ground as well. >> you tell your child do let strangers touch you and particularly not in your private places. this is so unnecessary. do you know why they did it to her? why did they single her out? >> i never got any answer on that. >> it was just a -- we don't know if it was random or -- >> i don't know if it was random or not. everybody except the 2-year-old was selected to go through the new scanning procedure, myself i was chosen for a pat down which you only saw a few seconds of that on the video. >> give her my regards selena.
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tell her we love her. thank you. >> thank you. >> i have some advice for the tsa. before you lay your hands on a child ask who the child is traveling with is it moammar or mommy? is the family traveling for pakistan or disney land? assumed stupidity. treating all passengers equally because of political correctness that's not policy that's a copout. to allow a kid's pants to be unzipped a stranger he is hands to be placed under her clothin. that's child abuse in the name of security. >> a some people think allstate only protects your car. here's the truth. allstate can also protect your home or apartment, as well as your boat, motoycle, rv, and snowmobile, and even your retirement and your life. not many insurance companies can say that. but allstate can. now that you know the truth, know this:
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>> we need to step up to the plate and do something about it. it would recognize these
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dangerous drug cartels as terrorists under the terrorist organization -- foreign terrorist organization laws. it would give us greater ammunition to go after the drug cartels. >> there has been a break in the vicious war against ne mexico. they have arrested the drig lord suspected of pirating the mags murder of 145 people. omar morton estrava was busted after authorities posted a $1.25 million reward for information leading to his capture. are men like him terrorists? aren't the organizations terrorist organizations? shouldn't the international community including the united states stop treating them like ordinary criminals? let's ask a drug cartel expert
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and documentary filmmaker. former special agent with the air force office of speci speci terrorist organizations. >> they are behaving like terrorists. if you look at the definition there has to be religious motivation and political potato vation. they are using assault weapons and assassinations the use of grenades and they are attacking innocent people more and more. they are a hybrid organized crime group insurgency a terrorist group. our government needs to think outside of the box when they are using a la label as pure as terrorists or criminals they need to devise a more effective strategy for dealing with them.
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>> if they are not terrorists they are saidists among other things. i believe they are trying to undermine the integrity of the national government of mexico. what is happening here is a state by state or region by region basis they are trying to de legitimize the government of mexico and take over parts of mexico. >> geraldo, you and i have agreed on this for a long time. they have been more sincere about dealing with the narcos than any of the predecessors. united to give credit where credit is due. they are influencing the democracy in mexico. they are about to collapse it. there are parts of mexico that has to suspend elections because the narcos affected the election process. they do not have total control over the whole country.
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there are parts of mexico that are little narco region states. until you start to deal with these guys on the level of narco terrorism because they are influencing the political system. more and more just like you said geraldo this next time we don't know what we are going to get for a president in mexico. >> before we let silvia respond let me agree with you the mexican president a noble man a heroic man. he is criticized many are saying call the war gents the drug kingpins off. i say that's bogus. mexico has to bu purge itself o this cancer. what do you have to say? >> i think it is too diplomatically complex. it's political football when you start looking at the situation in mexico with terrorism. then mexican government is dealing with terrorists in it's borders. we are dealing with terrorists potentially coming across the border. you are looking at drug dealers.
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>> that's the reality of it. >> it is but politically -- >> hold it. drug users wi would theoretical be aiding terrorist organizations. people who sell guns used in mexico would be guilty of arming it oo i think we have to go after. we have to help mexico go through the mike. rusty keep up the good work. >> quick alert for north carolina in the croitin national forest. a suv is in and sunk. 4 people have died. we are live at the scene of the expanding search in tennessee. expanding search in tennessee. the search
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i got an egg [pop] i got gum a kazoo a candy necklace for forty cents, i got one of these [pop] a stamp helium fabric softener [pop] lipstick two pills a day is what it takes to stay alive if you're hiv positive. those pills cost about forty cents a day.
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from america's news headquarters i'm marianne rafferty. rescue crews have brought in a special digging machine to help find a missing miner in northern idaho. the 53-year-old became trapped when a tunnel collapsed three days ago. his brother was able to escape unhurt. the machine must be disasem semableed before being taken underground where it will be put back together. libyan rebels gaining new ground around misurata over the weekend and reclaiming a patch of land 25 miles east of the
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capital of tripoli. several areas coming under heavy artillery fire sunday. the government spokesman denied the use of cluster bombs. i'm marianne rafferty. now, back to "geraldo at large." for the latest headlines log on to fox news .com. >> holly bobo was signed up and scheduled to sing at our church this morning. there is going to be an empty spot in our congregation this morning. there is a big hurting in our heart because we don't know where she is and we don't know what she is going through but we are not going to quit looking. we are not going to quit searching until we find her. and we bring her back for her family. >> this is a crime time and prime time alert a sign they may
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have hit a dead-end. investigators in the area between f memphis and tennessee the missing 20-year-old holly bobo are asking you to search through your memories. wednesday morning we wept missing who fits the description of the big man in camouflage clothing who snatched the pretty 20-year-old according to her brother. we folks are committed to doing everything we can to help in this case police are on the scene of the now expanded search. >> it is day five in the disappearance of holly bobo. there has been no slow down in the search efforts. the tennessee bureau of investigations have said they want to expand the search efforts to four counties around where she disappeared. the hope is that she is still in western tennessee. >> we need people to think back to wednesday morning between
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7:40 and 8:00 a.m. when holly disappeared. think about somebody you know who is wearing camouflage who's whereabouts was unaccounted for. >> we are going to work it all of the way. >> they are looking for any clues that may lead to holly or her captor. many are young girls who now have a view of life in their otherwise peaceful community. >> makes you question the people you do know how well do you know them? >> has it changed your lives in any way the way you walk around the security in your home? >> it is an eye opener. >> you never want to go anywhere alone. >> they decided not to eliminate any one from a potential list of suspects including bow b bobo's 25-year-old brother clint was present at the attack and her boyfriend both previously ruled out. police asked volunteers to
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look not just in trace park. this is a major park 40,000 acres. i am with mart the mcfall. seems like the town is really consumed this case really determined to bring holly home. i know what you are wearing is a pink band that says never quit. is that how you feel? >> our town is tight knit like i said. she is r one of ours. we are not going to quit until we find holly and find the man that abducted her and took her away from her family. >> cops say be aware of suspicious activity surrounding a car or altering vehicle that could have been hidden behind the bobo residence and used as a get away vehicle. >> he may have cleaned out a car report the a atv or vehicle
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stolen cleaned the atv or hidden it in a secured storage area. >> friends and volunteers say they are in the search until the end. >> you don't want people giving up on you so why give up on her? even if you don't know her people come from every where to find her even if they don't know her personally. >> the search expanded today. i know the search was called in earlier previously arranged. why the bigger search? does it mean they are on to something or does it mean just the opposite? oo the searchers were told they had to go to the hot areas. with these hundreds of soefrnsos going on a lot of it is sorted through there and they have come up with evidence that is related to the case. they wouldn't elaborate on what
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that evidence is. but no matter how excited they were about the lunch box it is probably similar to what they search in the particular areas. investigators are gotten more than 250 leads that they looked into or they are planning on looking into. >> i am not clear. the boyfriend and the brother who is the eyewitness are they in the clear or not in the clear? oo that is the most interesting development. they are not saying whether or not they are persons of interests they want to keep all of their options open. that is as far as they would go from that. >> they didn't say they were in the clear. they did say they were cleared but now they are keeping their options open they are not saying they are suspects they are not saying they are not suspects. >> it is inconceivable to me this young lady was snatched by a stranger.
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this is not a random crime. she lives a mile away from any place. the perpetrator is known to the victim. that is the way i believe it will be revealed. >> this is another prime time and crime time alert. police may be looking for a second serial killer. they think the latest batch it could be linked to the serial killer joel ripken who strangled and dismembered 17 prostitute that is we know of before being captured when the latest victim was in the trunk of his car. let's go into the vault for the look into the minds of a mad man. >> do you have any idea why you did it? >> the closest thing that seems to make any sense was a form of
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rage related to hiv and the diseases that were out there. i understand from talking to the psychiatrist i had some type of sexual addiction and i couldn't stop. i had been doing it for over 15 years. >> you dismembered some of the bodies, why? >> to remove them from where they were. i could not figure it out how to do it so sometimes i would literally stuck with a body and no place to go with it. so i had to get creative. >> getting creative what did you use a chain saw? oo exact t experimental tea procedures for developing effective individualized instruction act -- exact yo k used as a scalpel. trial ander or. >> you recall having your hands around their neck and choking these women as they choked
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desperately? still you don't know what they were feeling like. when they were dead was it a sexual release? >> no. >> after the first girl i went up sleep. went up stairs slept for three or four-hours. >> with the body still in the house before you cut it up? >> yes. >> nice to meet you. >> private eye former nypd homicide detective. >> i grew up on long island. those were our beaches. what do you think about the latest batch of bodies? ripken denies. >> may not be a serial killer in the second batch. an area like that it could be just a dumping ground not necessarily is it a serial killer it's not consistent with a group like the first group.
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>> i was thinking the meadowlands gets the rap. >> hoffa is supposed to be there. >> under the courthouse. >> now it's these beaches the south side of long island some of the most famous beaches in the country. that is a dutching grounds. >> see what happened here geraldo. the bodies were not discovered until december when they were discovered it was totally decomposed. there were plenty of time for a person to put the body there and it was undetected. >> don't you think especially as a private eye now the word should get out to young ladies contemplating a profession where they have seemingly easy money the risk of death is more than a viewer a front line trooper in afghanistan? >> it goes back to it can't happen to me probably.
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these young ladies have to make money they are easy prey. their guards are down. >> joel riffin, t -- joel rifki. i told him the way to protect prostitutes i said he should kill himself. there's no emotion. they are dead inside already. the river killer killed two score or more th of the younger people. >> they feel nothing. they don't feel for the families. the one that is are left behind the pain the family goes through they get gratified and that's it. we are not finished yet. >> we are not finished yet. good luck in your private i career. thank you for coming on.
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>> we take you inside a home of a family inside the town of miss rat taw. >> is donald trump right? did we waste lives to hands iraq over to iran? back in a flash after this. today, investors want retirement planning on their terms. i want to work with people who are objective. how about a plan with my name on it... not someone else's.
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(rapid gun shot) >> qaddafi courses have been torturing residents of the third largest city for 7 weeks now as this exclusive footage makes clear, the siege of misrata is savage with day and night rocket artillery attacks death comes randomly from every side hitting fighters and innocenteds alike. 74 we are told were wound anded and as many died. the rare vessel bringing food and fighters the conditions for civilians as you are about to see it is increasingly getting desperate. >> when 6 months old esha
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started crying it wasn't because she was hungry or teething but because a rocket hit her bedroom ceiling. we were sleeping in our house when rockets started bombing us randomly says her grandmother. when attacks by the troops came in the early hours of wednesday morning she wasn't alone in her room. she was with her 2-year-old brother omar. what's wrong with him? these are children, innocent children. she tells me she hasn't been able to sleep well for months because she lives in a constant state of fear. they are only living in a two room apartment with one bathroom for 30 people. >> homes cars and trees are hit not to mention civilians themselves. >> one was here and didn't explode. be careful not to come too close to it.
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>> 25 displaced families some as many as 10 members each are slieping in a nearby school. >> they are homeless with their children. >> at the nearby hospital the scenes get only worse. >> ruptured appendappendix. his family cannot bring him to the hospital. >> they couldn't bring him to the hospital because the roads were not safe and for five days he was suffering at home. >> normal condition we would discharge him 24-hours after surgery but he will stay one week. >> there is an average of 8-10 each day. many are unarmed civilians. reporting from misrata this is sara lynch for geraldo at large. >> sara is safe on board a
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vessel of misrata. she is on the satellite telephone right now. i am sure your parents are angry at me. how are you faring? are you okay? >> i am doing okay geraldo. the situation in misurata is tense and uneasy. as you can see the people are struggling but people are doing what they can to fight as you mentioned the only lifeline to the city is the port which is where our ship came in when we docked and which is where we rest. just today earlier today on our way back to benghazi. >> when you get to benghazi we want to make sure you are okay. thank you for your reporting. sara lynch we will hear more from you. is trump right? will iran take over iraq when we will iran take over iraq when we pull out? [ male announcer ] the network. a living, breathing intelligence
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>> $1.5 trillion thousands of lives wounded thousands of lives and wounded. as sure as you are sitting there as soon as we leave iraq iran is going to go and take over iraq and take over those huge oil spills second largest to saudi arabia. >> is trump right about iraq. the government is dominated by shiites just like iran next door. if the way iraqi troops treated iranian exiles from a mostly sunni organization the two shiite dominated governments they are already working hand in hand. here is jennifer griffin with the inside story of a deeply disturbing incident. >> iraqi forces began a campfiring on 3000 members of
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the dissident group. the same group held a press conference in washington exposing what they said was a new sent fuj facility, tehran. in the city provided by residents of the camp unarmed men and women are seen being shot in cold blood. >> this is a fewer crime committed intentionally by the iraqi government against the iran dissidents to do the bidding for iran. >> they rammed members of the camp men and women who belonged to the mek a group placed on u.s. state department terrorist list in 1997 at iran's request. a u.n. investigator now confirms 34 people were killed at the camp. the iraqi general who's forces were involved say the troops fired because they were being pelted with stones. robert gates was in iraq meeting prime minister another rial mal key. they condemned the killings and ask
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asked them to investigate. >> this is a sovereign matter for them. >> the u.s. military has 40,000 troops in iraq but cannot intervene was it has handed over control to iraqi forces. >> i find it absolutely deplorable and inexplicabinexpl. we did make a promise they would be protected persons. >> they include violence against officials in tyran during the 1970s. it also revealed that iran was enriching uranium at the time causing some former u.s. government officials to say it's time to take them off the state department terrorist list. at the bent gone jennifer griffin fox news. >> aaron miller is former state department negotiator he has advised 6 secretaries of states. thank you so much for being on board tonight. don't the iranians and iraqi government as constituted have more in common with each other than they do with us? >> it may prove to be that way.
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i think donald trump is a smart guy. i think he's over exaggerated or clearly exaggerated. i come from a real estate family geraldo. it's location, location, location. iranians will no question about it exercise the most decisive influence once we depart. take over the country? no. turn the government in baghdad into a puppet? no. take over the oil fields? no. the reality is it's their neighborhood. we have been there a while tried to do the best we could we are on our way out and in the end the iranians not the americans will exercise key influence no question. >> in a perverse way is the good old days when sadam hussein was fighting the iranians and keeping them neutralized and subdued? >> it's an interesting point. one of the down sides what we did in iraq beginning in march,
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203 i am not so sure anybody thought this through clearly was in essence to level the playing field by destroying sadam persecuting oppressing and murdering hundreds of thousands of his own people he needed to go. but in the process look what happened. he leveled the playing field took out the taliban and took out sadam and allowed the eye rhinians their ho moment. the cruelest irony of all it may not be iraq clearly that crosses the nuclear vessel on the watch of a democratic president. it may well be iran. >> isn't that scary. on that happy note aaron miller thank you very much. ladies and gentlemen, i am glad i cheer you up. have a great week. have a great week. that's it for us. thank you very much for watching. i will s s s s s s s s
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hey susie, why don't you use this ? it's got a calculator. thanks, dad. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that just the first quarter. so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ? because they know the small business with the best technology rules.
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